Answereye Ultimate 5.4

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For the first time in the Internet Marketing History ,
A software so powerful and EASY-TO-USE that YOU can literally :
"Start raking in affiliate cash the very first day"

Answereye Ultimate - The Best Yahoo!Answers Marketing Software!

--------------------- Get Free Version to Try ---------------------
Click here to download free version

"New Bleeding Edge Yahoo Software
Makes $958.88 a Day ...
On Autopilot Using Nothing But
Floods Of Laser Targeted FREE Traffic"
PLUS [Revealed Ahead]:
Why Almost Every Internet Marketer Fails To Make Money Online !
How to copy my "No-Brainer , Iron-clad" 3 Step Formula To make a consistent
4-figure monthly income on Autopilot using Yahoo Answers And so much more...

--------------------- Get Free Version to Try ---------------------
Click here to download free version

August 22, 2014
Dear Friend ,

Stop whatever you are doing !! Grab the nearmost calender and mark todays date. Because from today , from now on , from this exact second , your life is going to change forever . What I am about to unveil is so advanced and shocking that this will change Yahoo Answers Marketing forever!

If you are serious about making passive income online you are only a click away from getting your hands on the most exact , detailed and bleeding edge system you can ever find online or anywhere else in the world.

BUT ....... before that I want to tell you a short story sit back , grab a cup of coffee and Read every single word here-on , carefully , as if your life depends on it ....

Lets take you back to the month of May , 2011 . On 29th May , It was a bright clear sunday morning as Dale Earnhardt Jr. zoomed past the white flag at the Coca Cola 500 and began the Final Lap of what would be his first tour win in over 110 races .

He was way ahead with a consistent lead and the crowd was ecstatically cheering for the most consistent and popular driver on tour.
The lead was 7 car lengths on the 1st turn and by turn 2 the lead had increased to 8 car lengths. Victory was only half a mile away.He had it perfectly wrapped up.

Then Dale Earnhardt Jr. did the unthinkable....

He ran out of fuel

With no gas left in his tank, he coasted to a disappointing 7th place finish.

While you may not be a professional driver, you have at least one thing in common with Junior: you need fuel to win.

As a webmaster and a web entrepreneur your fuel is "traffic".
Visitors to your own site or the one you are promoting as an affiliate ultimately gets the WIN for you .Ultimately these same visitors get you the orders and directly affect the size of your paycheck.
Inshort without traffic
you don't cross the finish line
You don't collect the winner's check
You don't get the result you're working hard to achieve
You dont reach your goals and your dreams remain dreams

You fall back in the pack while those with full tanks pass you by and take what could have been yours.
Maybe you are like any driver who comes up short due to lack of fuel - disappointed because you know it could be better.
All in all ,

If you want to make money online, you need traffic. And if you want to
make a lot of money, then you need a lot of traffic.

This is true no matter what business model you’re using.
It doesn’t matter if you're selling your own product on your own site
It doesn't matter if you're promoting someone else's product as an affiliate
If doesn't matter if you're trying to get people to click on Adsense ads
It doesn't matter if you're blogging, flipping sites, coaching or anything else.It doesn't matter if you're promoting
business offers or non-business offers, low-cost offers or high-ticket offers, the point is:

You won’t make a dime unless you
get eyeballs in front of your offers.

But not just any kind of traffic will do the trick for you .

You need laser targetted , niche specific , knowledge hungry visitors.
People who are seeking instant solutions to their problems.
Who are armed with credit cards and won't think twice before buying .

The question is:

How do you get this traffic?

The answer is simple . Using Yahoo Answers.

But how large is it ? You may be asking yourself...
Well according to Yahoo Answers staff , ALEXA and , the portal had about a user base of 350 million people worldwide and nearly 25 million visitors monthly in January 2011.We are half way through 2012 and traffic is still increasing exponentially even with the Google Panda/Penguin updates . Recently it crossed a milestone of 300 Million Questions . Which means on average, 2 questions are being asked and 6 answered per second. So this means there's an astonishing 7,000 questions and an incredible 21,000 answers per hour. That's a total of 28,000 questions and answers being posted every hour.

Imagine the power of tapping into these 25 million hungry buyers everyday ...however the question is ...


By following this 3 step formula ,

Find a market need
Find similar questions on yahoo answers
Post you Answer addressing that specific need with a solution and link back to your site/blog/affiliate offer/Optin-Page .

Me and countless others like you have made money using this simple yet effective formula to make money online . To those who are lucky enough , I am releasing my personal strategies and blueprints for limited time only.This 65 pages guide will take you from a newbie who knows nothing about making money with Yahoo Answers to an affiliate ninja who will make a consistent income on autopilot . The best part ..there is no investment involved.

Table of contents
7 myths about Yahoo Answers !
10 Rock solid reasons as to "why Yahoo Answers is still the best traffic
source of 2012 ?"
Points and levels systems.
The Manual Process.
-Creating your first bullet proof account.
-Finding relevant questions.
-3 methods to put question finding on autopilot.
-Manual answering and how to avoid being ghosted.
-Examples of some tested, profitable Answers .
The heart of the method – How to get best answers almost everytime !?
Important Guidelines.
-Simple linking guidelines.
-Simple voting guidelines.
-How to avoid getting banned.
Creating a Yahoo swipe file.
Becoming a 'Top Contributor'.
Smart methods to reach Yahoo Level 2 in under 3 days.
Unethical way to hammer down and replace old authority questions in
Google search.
A few personal money making methods revealed.
Manual answering is not worth your time.

Your Name: Your Email:

When I started out with Yahoo Answers initially I struggled to keep up.With practice
I came up with my own strategies.Those of which are clearly outlined in the above guide. It took me roughly 8 odd months to get to this point of perfection.Once I had it all figured out I was raking in a constant stream of $200 - $300 per month.
When a system is in place an intelligent person will always try to scale it . I tried too and failed miserbly. Something wasnt right. I doubled my answers and put extra hours into . $350 is what I could achieve maximum . Hardly a better ROI in terms of time. Finally I realized I had to either outsource it or automate it by some expensive
piece of software. Outsourcing was risky . I could not control the quality of my answers and protect my niches.
The only option left was automating . Unfortunately back in 2008 I bought quite a few dozen automating solutions .
NOTHING WORKED ! YES , I am not kidding.
I realized that maintaining these softwares were taking up exactly as much time I needed to manually answer. I felt stupid . And then .....
It wasnt so dramatic as it may seem but I hated failing.There was not a single end-to end consistent solution to this method.Three long months into the lane ..and one of
my friend advised me to build my own bot.With all the money I had saved up from this
venture I logged on to elance and took a leap of faith .
2 months of constant input and hard work I ended up creating the first version of AnswerEye . With its instant success I hired a full time team and since then I haven't
looked back. ITs 2012 and our software is still going strong with over 5000 updates.

Long story short ...
If you want to scale up your earnings YOU need AnswerEYE Ultimate .

So what is AnswerEye Ultimate !
Simply put AnswerEye Ultimate is THE Best Yahoo Answer Bot in the market to date .
We’re not your average in-house code junkies and geeks. We understand your needs.
We understand that TIME is critical for you . We believe in saving time and hence spend all of it creating software solutions to do just that !
Our team of highly talented software professionals seamlessly integrate Internet Marketing + Mumbo Jumbo Code to create easy to use automated solutions for the smart internet marketer in YOU .

Why YOU should BUY Answereye Ultimate ?

Answereye Ultimate
Our Competitors
Answereye Ultimate is designed base on the newest updates of yahoo and also integrate the advantage of the old Yahoo!Answers tools at the same time. YES NO
It has the multi-thread account creator and perfect account manager to avoid your accounts got banned YES NO
It has a smart vote system to help your accounts to upgrade to level 2 accounts safely YES NO
It is designed very well to manage and run multi-campaign at the same time very easily YES NO
Multi-Threads to create accounts, answer questions, post questions, vote and so on. All can be multi-threads YES NO
Register and save accounts with proxy, later use same proxy to do other operation like answer question, vote, etc.(This will protect your account got banned very well) YES NO
Real-time question watch and answer at once to get instant traffic YES NO
Auto-spin your answer with Free SpinnerChief API YES NO
Much more... YES NO

5 Yahoo Accounts Version - $47 One Time Free

20 Yahoo Accounts Version - $127 One Time Free

50 Yahoo Accounts Version - $197 One Time Free

100 Yahoo Accounts Version - $297 One Time Free

Unlimited Yahoo Accounts Version - $399 One Time Free

- What does AnswereyeUltimate Can do?
AnswerEye is still No.1 Yahoo!Answers software since its release in 2007. [7yrs]
• Get great targeted traffic and make money for you Smile
• Multi-Threads to create accounts, answer questions, post questions, vot, select best answer and so on. All can be multi-threads.
• Register and save accounts with proxy, later use same proxy to do other operation like answer question, vote, etc.(This will protect your account got banned very well)
• Auto-Vote function to upgrade your accounts to level 2 safely and easily.
• Real-time question watch and answer them at once to get instant traffic.
• Post yourself questions and answer them, then select them as best answers for long time traffic and SEO
• Manage and run multi-campaign at the same time.
• All-round statistics system to save and view your campaign running results.
• All basic functions like in old Answereye (Batch-post answers and questions, Select best answer, Question search, Real-time question watch, Real-time question answer, vote, etc.)
• Auto-spin your answer with Free SpinnerChief API
• Full account manager - Create, Check, Import and Export
• Bind proxies to accounts.
• Random name generator choose from male/female.
• Debug mode
• Multiple answers campaign mangement with spin answer + source
• Token/Message Spinning
• Add 'Delay' During Posting
• Vote Answer as 'Best Answer'
• Import/Use Pre-Written Questions/Answers
• Integrated Proxy Support with Auto Rotation
• Detailed Usage Guide/Documentation
• Newbie Friendly Tutorial Videos and Coaching
• Free Lifetime Updates (LOTS to come)
• Free Lifetime Support (Live Chat)
• Quick access toolbar
• Auto-Captcha Solving.
• Much more...

- Outstanding Support since 7 years.
AnswerEye is still 1 step ahead of the game since its release in 2007. [7yrs]
• It has been updated 2318 times since then.
• It has a customer base of about 2000 odd Internet Marketers.
• The only tool in the market with bleeding edge industry standard features.
• Probably the best AI Engine and Multi-threaded technology

5 Yahoo Accounts Version - $47 One Time Free

20 Yahoo Accounts Version - $127 One Time Free

50 Yahoo Accounts Version - $197 One Time Free

100 Yahoo Accounts Version - $297 One Time Free

Unlimited Yahoo Accounts Version - $399 One Time Free

AnswereyeUltimate is a one time purchase, it is NOT a membership program. The purchase price is a single PC license and entitles you to run one copy of the software with one free license transfer per month, any bug fixes and minor upgrades are completely free for owners of AnswereyeUltimate. AnswereyeUltimate has been tested on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 and it's advisable to have a screen resolution larger than 1024x768px for optimal interface display due to the large amount of functionality.


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thank you very much
will try this now Big Grin
got to try it
shweta245, member of Black Hat SEO Forum - Black Hat Search Engine Optimization - Internet Marketing Forums since Apr 2014.
SUPER BRO THANKS, proud to be a member of BlackHat SEO Forum since Jan 2013.
my thankxxxxxxxxxxx
meroman, member of Black Hat SEO Forum - Black Hat Search Engine Optimization - Internet Marketing Forums since Feb 2014.
lets see this
bar121, member of Black Hat SEO Forum - Black Hat Search Engine Optimization - Internet Marketing Forums since Jul 2014.
Sweet. Thank you!
solar222, proud to be a member of Black Hat SEO Forum since Mar 2013.
will try this now...
imp3ratore, proud to be a member of Black Hat SEO Forum since May 2013.