CoreSEO 1.4 Cracked 2020

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Get Your #1 Rankings Here
Powerful New Software Gets You The Same Strategies That Got Us 20,093 Visitors Per Day
Be Google.Com's Best Friend & Force It To Send You Massive Traffic

[Image: shot01.png]18,537 Visitors In Just One Day & They Keep Coming Back Day After Day Without Spending A Single Cent
  • Start getting free traffic in any niche without spending on ads or social media.
  • Improve your RoI, make more sales and more profits by getting found on
  • Get the exact and clear measures that you must take to improve your site rankings. No vague findings.
  • We don't just give you the tools, but also train you on how to do things perfectly.

Get CoreSEO Today & Also Get Commercial License
Sell Custom SEO Reports For Profit or Use As Lead Magnets
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[Image: payment.png]
[Image: make.png]Make your content website a place that Google loves.
[Image: find.png]Find the pressing issues that you can fix immediately to boost your site.
[Image: find1.png]Find what backlinks are good for you and what are bad, disavow the bad ones.
[Image: created.png]Created by experts who get over a million visits on their sites a month.
[Image: no.png]No black-hat technique that will get you banned forever.
[Image: easy.png]Easy to use and implement. You’ll see results fast.
Why Is Google Search The Most Important Traffic Source For your Business Today?
Every Source of Traffic Is Awesome But Google Search Is The Mother of Them All

[Image: why-img.png]Every Single Search On Google Results In A Visit To A Site! The Impact of Google.Com Is 10x
If you're not developing a content strategy for your business you are leaving a vulnerability exposed.

A weakness that will allow a smart competitor to capitalize on free traffic from Google search and zoom ahead of you because they will have the killer advantages.
Can You Afford To Let Your Competitor Have These?
[Image: free.png]
[Image: that.png]
[Image: and.png]
Either you will have it, or your competition, and the only thing that either of you need to get right is -- stay in sync with
But These Expired SEO Strategies Won't Get You Any Traffic From Google
[Image: but-img.png]
  • Don't use black-hat SEO tactics

  • Don't violate webmaster guidelines

  • Don't depend on content farms or PBNs

  • Don't buy paid backlinks from Fiverr

  • Don't use content or article spinning

  • Don't steal content from other sites
If this is what you've been doing to rank your site, stop that right now! It's not going to help you rank at all. Instead, if you keep this going, you'll get into Google's bad books and never get any traffic at all.

What you need is a simple, wholesome, content oriented strategy and some basic changes that Google wants you to do.
While You Were Too Busy Taking Shortcuts The Bigger Media Houses Stole All The Traffic
[Image: while-img.png]
Yes, the 'gurus' showed you the shortcuts and you took them right into oblivion.

No you can't succeed that way.

The big corporations were smarter. They drilled into the content strategies created by maverick content superstars and adopted the correct strategies.

Result, smaller creators who had all the web traffic were overwhelmed and dominated.

But this has changed again.

The good news : Now is the best time to get back into Search marketing because Google's newest 'Core' update has opened up the market to smaller website owners in a single sweep.
But, Google's Newest 'Core' Update Is The Opportunity You Were Waiting For
On June 3rd 2019, Google made a massive change to its core algorithm.

They call it the 'Domain diversity update' and what it did was, derank all the sites who were hogging up all the keyword rankings by perfect optimization.

Yes, they want more domains to show up in search results, so they just changed their algo to NOT FAVOR a single website for any niche.


Top sites which had been hogging all the top spots on Google got deranked.
[Image: dailymail.png]Here's a live example. Dailymail a top website that dominated search results lost 50% of its traffic right after Google Core.

This is a Search opportunity the likes of which hasn't shown up in more than 5 years.

An opportunity to be found in search again, because a lot of more keywords, a lot more niches just opened up for you.
Domain Diversity Is The Biggest Game Changer In Search!

Getting #1 Rankings Like These Is Easier Today If You Do The Right Thing

#1 Rank for top keyword

[Image: screenlargesize1.png]
#1 Rank for top keyword

[Image: screenlargesize2.png]
2 pages Ranking for top keywords

[Image: screenlargesize3.png]
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3 Simple Steps That Will Put You At The Top of The Content Game
Step 1
[Image: simple1.png]
Find What Google Wants You to Improve
Step 2
[Image: simple2.png]
Make Those Simple Fixes in an Instant
Step 3
[Image: simple3.png]
Go To #1
Sit Back & Watch Google Pamper & Rank Your Sites to Page #1
But, Do You Even Know Where To Start This Process?
If you are already an expert SEO guy who spends hours and hours poring over every single SEO update report, analytics and algorithms, you can stop reading right here. We have nothing that can help you.

But, if you're like the rest of us who have responsibility, a lack of time and are hunting for the right answers in a world filled with fake experts and greedy gurus, read on.

The SEO world is crazy.

It requires a lot of research to get the right answers, and the fiverr backlinkers will not bother to do that for you.

Nope, most of the people you hire online can only deliver junk backlinks.

What you need is a real solution created by true experts. People who dream, breath and bleed SEO. The experts who do it every single day! You need :
[Image: do-img.png]
[Image: coreseo-logo.png]Total SEO Off-Page & On-Page Optimization All Google Updates Including Google Core
[Image: coreseo-img.png]
  • Force Google to fall in love with your website.

  • Remove all penalties from updates like Google Panda & Penguin.

  • Take advantage of changes made in Google Core update.

  • Make your site immune to toxic backlinks.
  • Identify what backlinks are actually helpful for your site.

  • Get long term rankings that never go away and keep your site flush with targeted traffic.

  • Build your rankings fast without having to pay fake gurus for their bad advice.
CoreSEO has been crafted after months of research by experienced SEO specialists to protect your website from Google's wrath by making sure you do what makes Google love you, and stay away from what Google hates.

It brings together all the learning over multiple Google updates and algorithm changes including
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[Image: payment.png]
[Image: panda.png]Google Panda Update
[Image: penguin.png]Google Penguin Update
[Image: rankbrain.png]Google Rankbrain
[Image: core.png]Google Core Update
Don't Listen To Us! Check Out What Our Earlier Buyers & Users Say About Us
[Image: bobby.png]
[Image: comment-left-shp.png]"I have recently purchased few softwares from Cyril (Teknikforce). I'm more than impressed with the quality and I'm certain with Core SEO. It's going to be a game changer."
Bobby Samuel
[Image: comment-right-shp.png]"This looks like a game changer. It is so critical to please Google and so much is centered on what to do but not much on what not to do."
Brad Dixon
[Image: brad.png]
[Image: satish.png]
[Image: comment-left-shp.png]"Core SEO in short is the most up-to-date 'Don'ts of SEO' and how to rectify it to stay on top of google ranking... "
Satish Ks
CoreSEO Will Power Your Rise To The Top Of Google With 100% Ethical SEO
[Image: screenshot1.png]
Deep On-Page & Off-Page Analysis
CoreSEOconducts an audit of both your own website, and also the backlinks that point to you from outside your site, inspecting EVERY FACTOR that's important to your rankings.
30+ Backlink Checks
Bad back link get a site deranked in no time at all. CoreSEO will look at all your back links and subject to over 30 quality check parameters, making sure that no bad back link survives.
[Image: screenshot2.png]
[Image: screenshot3.png]
45+ Checks On Your Webpages
CoreSEO checks for everything that could potentially be dragging your rankings down. Analyzing more than 40 different factors. Making sure nothing that affects your website escapes unchecked.
Automatic Disavow File for Bad Backlinks
Google lets you escape the penalty of bad-backlinks by disavowing them. Only CoreSEO detects all your bad backlinks on 100% auto, and generates a Google compatible Disavow file that you can submit to Google and avoid penalty with one click.
[Image: screenshot4.png]
[Image: screenshot5.png]
Deep-Scan Site Analysis Report
CoreSEO subjects your webpages to the most intensive examination and gives you a very comprehensive report that tells you about every single thing that you need to improve on the site to make Google love it more.

Special : CoreSEO's included commercial license lets you sell this report to clients, or even use it as a powerful custom lead-magnet.
Works on Any Website
CoreSEO works on any website. Whether it's a Wordpress blog, an e-commerce website, a corporate site, or an online news magazine. Just type the URL, and unleash it.
[Image: screenshot6.png]
[Image: screenshot7.png]
Simple & Ultra-Fast
CoreSEO is so easy to use that even newbies will be able to use it effectively. No need to be an SEO wizard it's all calibrated already. Our multi-threaded technology makes all that analysis a thing of seconds.
Must Watch

See CoreSEO In Action & Learn How It Can Jumpstart Your Rankings Today

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[Image: payment.png]
Make Your Website Immune To Every Google Update So Far In One Go
No Need To Work Manually Or Pay An Agency

[Image: your-img.png]
Don't spend your weekends hunched over a desk, reading one SEO analysis after another, trying to break through into something, anything that will salvage your business.

While you're struggling, the world is moving forward and the time is passing on this, the only life you have.
  • No more paying thousands for expert help (and waiting weeks for results).

  • No more juggling dozens of complicated and expensive tools.

  • No more burying your head in books trying to figure it all out.

  • No more watching your traffic, sales and future prospects dry up.
Reclaim Your SEO Traffic Like We've Done Over So Many Content Properties
[Image: Website1.png]
Website #1
32,932 Visitors A Day

[Image: Website2.png]
Website #2
18,537 Visitors A Day

[Image: Website3.png]
Website #3
658 Visitors A Day

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Thank you
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Thank Pro.
loclcd, member of Black Hat SEO Forum - Black Hat Search Engine Optimization - Internet Marketing Forums  since Mar 2015.

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